Friday, July 27, 2012

Follow up on the first post

If you have had a chance to review the newsletter, I hope you enjoyed it. I love deciding what the theme will be, what I will include, and how I'll lay it out. I have had a lot of help with the contents; since I have only so much information and photos, I depend on the cousins to share their personal stories and mementos with me.

My grandmother, Kristine, was a very special lady. She was hardworking woman, on their farm, in the community and for her church. She loved to entertain at home and when she would go to Church Camp in the summer; there she would take her best linens and china for serving the ministers and missionaries that attended.

Kristine loved her gardens, both vegetable and flowers. She was very involved with the "Pink Ladies" the volunteers at the local hospital. And, her family Sunday dinners were the highlight of the week for her family.

I think she would be proud that we are sharing her family's history.